Rimage Verify Ensures Success
- Published
- 08/20/2018
- Author
- Nancy G
- Everest Printer, Thermal Retransfer, Producer V, Thermal Disc Printing, reliable data storage , quickDisc, Rimage Systems, SDK
- Categories
- Rimage, Disc Publisher, Thermal Printers, Disc Printer, Recordable Media
Rimage systems use state of the art, modern technology to produce optical discs that are 100% accurate and usable. But what if the content is mission critical and there won’t be a second chance if the data is not readable? While the Rimage system will reject a disc that fails during recording, in rare instances a defective disc or failing recorder will still allow the disc to be recorded, but not well enough for the entire disc to be read successfully. While the chance of this is very, very low, some workflows require 0% failures. This is where Rimage Verify can be of assistance.
Verification, enabled either in the job from a client like QuickDisc™ or for all jobs in Rimage System Manager in the Production Server settings, provides 100% confidence in the quality of the recorded disc. The Rimage system does this by returning to and reading the disc after recording, conducting a bit by bit comparison to the image file that was recorded. If even one bit cannot be read or is incorrect, the disc will be rejected and not printed.
There are a variety of options for verification, allowing it to be customized for each unique workflow. Verification can be enabled on every disc or as a spot check, sampling one disc from each recorder at periodic intervals. Advanced workflows can provide a checksum.dll file to utilize a hash verify, speeding up the verification if available.
It is even possible to change the entire Rimage system from a publishing system to a verification system with Verify Only Mode. This mode allows the bins to be loaded with recorded discs and then a job is submitted as if it was recording. However, instead of recording the data, the Rimage system will check the discs to make sure it matches what the job would have recorded.